Friday, May 29, 2009

Afternoon tea friends in HK

We're in HK for the Dragonboat Festival long weekend and what trip to HK can be complete without a visit to a 茶餐厅 (HK-style cafe)? If Adam could have his way, he'd have a daily dose of yeen yeung 鸳鸯 (half milk tea, half coffee) and nai yau doh 奶油多 (condensed milk on toast)! We went to a random one this time. The food wasn't particularly good, but look at the menu! The cafe takes pride in the following famous 招牌 items, from left to right:

豆浆 (soy milk)
油条 (plain donut stick)
松糕 (sponge cake)
粽子 (rice dumpling)
肠粉 (rice flour crepe)
油炸鬼 (sweet donut)
煎堆 (sesame ball)

Haha, too cute!

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